Trying to find an activity for your little ones can be stressful, especially when dealing with terrible two tantrums! Here is a quick, easy and affordable activity that will keep your little ones entertained for more then 7 minutes.
I have been on the market for a sensory table for everrrr! The other stores that sell sensory tables are either super UGLY and/or over priced (and by over priced, I mean over 400$ what?!) Unless you are willing to build one yourself, this seemed like the best option.
This specific activity is fresh fruit water play (also messy so please play outdoors LOL). In this bin are sliced up, lemons, oranges, limes and basil (you can also try cucumbers, grapefruit and mint)! I provided simple materials such as pots, pans, funnels and scoops to allow open ended and creative thinking.
You guys, this activity lasted more then 40 minutes..can I get a HALLELUJAH!
#Enchantedchildhood#Lifewellcaptured#treasuringlittlememories#Runwildmychild #Stopdropandmom#simplychildren #simplymamahood#wildandbraveLittles#adventuresofchildren#honestlyParents #teammotherhood#atruelookatmatherhood #mytinytribe#relateablemom #mynameismama#motherhoodalive #takemyheartdear#igmotherhood #letthemexplore#motherhoodisdarling#learnthroughplay #playallday#sensorybin #waterplay #ikea#sensorytable